Finance Reports

Finance and Budget Reports

 Per Section 7.2.1 of the FOBES Bylaws:

The Board shall present to Membership a budget of anticipated revenue and expenses (the “FOBES Forecasting Budget”) for the upcoming school year no later than May 1 of the current school year.  The FOBES Forecasting Budget shall be used to guide the activities FOBES intends to support during the upcoming school year, including serving as approval for anticipated expenditures.  By September 30 of the following school year, the Board will finalize, and Membership will vote and approve the Proposed FOBES Operating Budget based on actual funding generated and/or received from the previous school year and any funding needs specified by Broadway Elementary School for the current school year.  Once approved, the Proposed FOBES Operating Budget will become the Final FOBES Operating Budget. The Final FOBES Operating Budget will be provided to Membership including any and all deviations from the FOBES Forecasting Budget.

FOBES Approved Operating Budget for Academic Year 2023-2024

Download the Report Here

2022-2023 Year End Fundraising Report

FOBES 2022-2023 Year End Fundraising Report.pdf

Meeting Minutes & Reports

Current and past Fobes Meeting Minutes and Finance Reports available here:

Fobes Minutes

Fobes Monthly Board Meeting Zoom Recordings

Finance Reports (Budget, fundraising) 

Friends of Broadway Elementary School is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. 

Your donation is tax deductible as allowed by law.

Tax ID 27-3371844

If you have any questions, please email us at